Education and Career Guidance (ECG)

Our school’s ECG Counsellor, Mr Isaac Ling, is stationed in our school
every Monday, Thursday and selected Fridays to provide ECG counselling
and support students in making informed decisions on their education and
career pathways.
Students (and their parents) who would like to find out more about post-secondary
education options, subject choices, career interests, or discover their
strengths and interests, can have a chat with our ECG Counsellor. Mr Isaac
also conducts in house workshops for teachers and provides individual and
group counselling to students in decision making such that they can, in
the future, contribute meaningfully to society through their future professions.
To make an appointment, please click here or scan the QR code below:

To find out more about post-secondary education and pathways, please click on the following resources:
Post-Secondary Education:
My SkillsFuture Student Portal:
MOE Course Finder:
MOE School Finder:
ITE Course Booklet 2025:
JIE ITE Booklet for NA/NT 2025:
JIE / JAE ITE Booklet for EXP 2025:
JAE Booklet for EXP 2025: